Richard MacDonald American, b. 1946
Flutist Heroic, 2007
96" x 48" x 36"
Conceived early in Richard MacDonalds career, The Flutist was the catalyst for MacDonalds first sculptural suite, the Joie de Vivre suite. This suite embodies Richard MacDonalds personal philosophy of life...
Conceived early in Richard MacDonalds career, The Flutist was the catalyst for MacDonalds first sculptural suite, the Joie de Vivre suite. This suite embodies Richard MacDonalds personal philosophy of life - that it is to be lived with energy and joy, and that we should seize our own definition of the Joy of Life and live it. The use of the baroque spiral curve, the balance, and the warm-toned patina add to the strength and captivating quality of The Flutist has he invites us to join in his revelry.
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